Accra, Ghana04/24–06/24

Georg Haberler

During my residency, I originally wanted to work with textiles from the Kantamanto Market in Accra. When I was there, however, I realized quickly that it did not feel right to take textiles from the market and bring them back to Europe. So, I dropped the old plan and told myself to be attentive, to observe and listen. This is actually not quite easy because the city is rather intensive in all respects. Eventually, I was able to produce several works that document my state of mind there rather well.

1. My stay in one word: 
2. Dos & don’ts in this place: 
  Buy fruit from Vivian (Mon-Fri from around 8 o’clock in front of the apartment.
3. Things I miss since I am no longer there: 
  The friendliness and curiosity of the people.
4. Where to shop great supplies: 
  Going to the Makola Market, asking around and embracing adventure.
5. What you should definitely bring with you from home: 
  Everything you absolutely need.
6. Concerning art at this destination and where I visited the best exhibitions: 
  Gallery 1957, Noldor Residence, Nubuke Foundation
7. Around the studio – where I shop, drink my coffee and get the best lunch deal in walking distance: 
  Jamestown Coffee Company, Kukun, Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant
8. Where I like to spend the evening (dinner, drinks, best sound and networking opportunity): 
  Going for a stroll through Osu at dusk, The Republic Bar & Grill
9. What would have been useful to know before coming here and starting my residency: 
  That I would not like the coffee available there.


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