Free from the Daily Grind for the Arts Stories from Elsewhere

Since 2016, artists-in-residence have shared uncensored accounts of their personal experiences and characteristics of their residencies under the International Residency Program of the BMKOES and provided future participants with hints for orienting on site upon invitation by Away Art Residencies. They have created colorful diaries that offer private insights and tell about experiences and artistic creation, about where their thoughts were traveling and how it felt to live in an unfamiliar environment. 

While some artists-in-residence deliberately decided not to take part, others reported that they were inspired by Away Art Residencies to sketch out their explorations. A steadily growing archive of personal chronicles is waiting to be discovered.

1 Cable Factory Window VeronikaHOESCH
Helsinki, Finland08/24–11/24

Veronika Hösch

Gross  W1A6943
New York, USA05/24–09/24

Mathias Kessler

1c1ee3a3 d70e 44ac 974b c9a0b1ee9d64 2
Helsinki, Finland01/24–04/24

Lena Violetta Leitner

Linda Reif NYC AWAY 001
New York City, USA11/18–01/19

Linda Reif